Q&A With Street Style Star Trevor Stuurman

BY Zodwa Kumalo-Valentine

Everyone who is anyone wants to be photographed by Trevor Stuurman (21). Since being capped the first ELLE Style Reporter in 2012 he has become highly sought-after and noted for his sharp, wickedly humorous sense of style.

When did you know you wanted to become a photographer? In high school when I got my first digital camera.

Who were the first photographers to inspire you? My good friend Thebe Magugu. He was the first in my circle of friends to get a camera.

Any definitive projects you’ve worked on? ELLE Style Reporter – it fast-tracked my career; Chapman University LA Exchange Programme, which allowed me to dream bigger; and the AFDA Honours Degree Programme.

Any favourite images? That’s like asking a parent which child is their favourite!

What makes a memorable street style photograph? A strong narrative and timing. The photographer has to be at the right place at the right time.

Does content outweigh form? I strongly believe in the balance of the two.

Colour or black and white? I’m all for colour. I dream in colour so shooting in colour is natural for me.

Any photography no-nos? Over-editing. Less is always more.

What is signature Trevor Stuurman? Afrocentric. I love my people and love celebrating them through my photography


Images: Trevor Stuurman