Hussein Salim – the making of an African artist

I am a painter and colourist – an artist with an overwhelming desire to create beautiful images. It’s not a profession; it’s a question of identity.

“I was born in Karima in Sudan in 1966. After school I went to the University of Sudan to study Science Technology, graduating from the Department of Science, Fine and Applied Arts in 1994.

Due to the conflict in my country I had to leave. I have since lived in Wales, Germany, Norway and Egypt, before settling in South Africa.

I feel very strongly that it is my duty to add some peace to the world through my art.

I paint literal and very clear signs of where I come from. I might include the colours of fabrics and sand, or the styles of architecture that dominate the skylines of Sudan.

For me, art not only evokes memories and contemplation of the loss of home, but it also includes the present and shapes the future.

Although I currently call Pietermaritzburg my home – it’s the city that gives me everything – I always carry Sudan inside me.

My past and present are marred with memories of loss, isolation, migration, exile and forgotten heritage. However, despite that being at the core of my work, I am very much committed to the dialogue between different cultures and I want my work to reflect that also.

I hope my works keep calling people to rediscover the values of the artistic African heritage.

My advice for aspiring artists is to remember that life is full of opportunities. You may not get it right the first or second time, but you just have to do the right thing in the right way for long enough and then you will find your success.

Yes there are many challenges here, but my faith in Africa and her potential is great. It is a dynamic, creative place that is ideal for contemporary artists rooted in African idiom and expression.

I am happy and proud to be an African artist, based in Africa.”

Words and images – Hussein Salim