Chika Oduah’s Afrocentric Confessions

“Africa always seemed exotic to me,” says journalist and blogger Chika Oduah.

Born in Nigeria but raised in Atlanta, Georgia, she recently returned to her birthplace because, she says, “I have always maintained a keen interest in Africa, in all its diverse glory…”

As a journalist for a number of international news agencies, including Al Jazeera English and the Huffington Post, Chika’s work in Nigeria over the past two-and-a-half years has allowed her to explore the reality of her African heritage.

This journey is one she continues to share, from a personal perspective, with the world via her blog, Afrocentric Confessions . It’s real, honest and uplifting and gives a unique look at the issues being faced by all Africans living on this vast and richly diverse continent.

“I receive a lot of emails from people who appreciate the blog and what I write about. It’s so rewarding to come across like-minded people.”

Her main aim is to demystify Africa, especially for westerners who, she believes, have a limited view of Africa. “I can’t do it all, but I’ll do what I can in helping to bring African reportage to the world,” she says.

How long does she plan to stay in Africa? “As long as the stories keep me here,” she laughs, adding wryly: “Journalists are always on the move!”

Issues Chika has been writing about recently include the Boko Haram insurgency.
Read some of her stories:
The Widows of Boko Haram
How I escaped marrying a Boko Haram fighter
The app that saved 1 000 children

Read Chika’s blog here

Words by Emily Pettit-Coetzee
Images – Chika Oduah